I posted this list in the other thread on this topic. The lady says there was no body of knowledge from 18 - 20 years ago. The following is a list of books that I OWN. There are a lot more of these in libraries all over North America. Add to this list all the articles in professional magazines. That she can sit there and say she went to school and never heard of this makes me sick. No wonder social workers have a bad name
Watchtower Spin Doctors!
Dr. Gail Bethea-Jackson tells us that we didn't know what child abuse was 18-20 years ago.
Abusing Family Justice, B. & Justice, R. 1976 NY: Human Science Press Family violence academic
Battered Wives Martin, D. 1976 NY: Bantam battering - academic -
Dark Side of Families: Current Family Violence Research. Finkelhor, D., Gelles. R.J., Hotaling G.T. & Straus, M.A. (Ed.) 1983 NY: Sage
A Child is Being Beaten: Violence Against Children Chase, N.F. 1976 NY: McGraw-Hill
Child Abuse is Scary Parent's Anonymous 1977 Torrance, CA: Parent's Anonymous
Child Abuse: The Developing Child Kempe, R.S. & Kempe, C.H. 1978 Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press Child/abuse - academic -
Child Sexual Abuse: New Theory and Theory Finkelhor, D. 1984 NY: Free Press Child/Sexual/abuse - research -
Children of Trauma: Rediscovering your Discarded Self Middleton-Moz, J. 989 Pompano Beach, FL: Health Communications self-help - survivors
Common Secret: Sexual Abuse of Children and Adolescents Kempe, R.S. & Kempe, C.H. 1984 NY: W.H. Freeman and Co. Child Sexual abuse - academic - research -
Conspiracy of Silence: The Trauma of Incest Butler, S. 1978 San Francisco: New Glide Child Sexual abuse - academic -
Cry in the Night Clark, M. H. 1982 NY: Simon & Schuster
Curriculum on Child Abuse and neglect National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect 1979 Washington, D.C: U.S. Department of Health Education and Welfare Child abuse
Daddy's Girl: A Very Personal Memoir Allen, C.V. 1980 Toronto: Seal incest - autobiography -
Father-Daughter Incest. Herman, J.L. 1981 Harvard University Press
Frances Ann Speaks Out:My Father Raped Me Chetin, H. 1977 NY: New Seed Press incest - biography
I Never Told Anyone: Writings by Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse Bass, E. & Thornton, L. 1983 NY: Harper & Row biography - incest
Incest and Human Love Stein, R. 1973 Dallas: Spring Publications incest academic
Incest: A Psychological Study of Causes and Effects ... Meiselman, K.C. 1979 San Francisco: Jossey-Bass incest - Treatment - Child Sexual abuse
Kiss Daddy Goodnight:A Speak-out on Incest Armstrong, L. 1978 NY: Pocket incest - adults - survivors -
Outgrowing the Pain: For and About Adults Abused as Children. Gil, E. 1983 Walnut Creek, CA: Launch Press
Sexual Victimization of Children. de Young. M. 1982 Jefferson, NC: McFarland
Sexually Abused Children and their Families Mrazek, P.B. & Kempe, C.H. 1981 Oxford: Pergamon theory
Sexually Victimized Children Finkelhor, D. 1979 NY: Free Press Child Sexual abuse - research
Silent Scream Janssen, M. 1983 Philadelphia, PA: Fortress biography - poetry - incest
Silent Sin: Case History of Incest Woodbury, J. & Schwartz, E. 1971 NY: New American incest - biography
Voices in the Night: Women Speaking About Incest McNaron, T.A.H. & Morgan, Y. (Eds.) 1982 Pittsburg, PA: Cleis Press incest - survivors - biography
Who Speaks for the Children? Silverman, P. 1978 Don Mills, ON: Musson Book Co. Child abuse
A not-so-silent lamb
Aspire to inspire before you expire